
The Fair Price: How Twenty Two Redefines Pricing in the Fashion World

by Achraf MOUNIR on Jan 28, 2024

The Fair Price: How Twenty Two Redefines Pricing in the Fashion World

In the world of fashion, the price of a product is more than just a number on a tag. It reflects the story, quality, and a brand's commitment to its customers. At Twenty Two, we believe in transparency and creating products that blend elegance and practicality without imposing exorbitant prices. In this article, we will explore how our pricing model draws inspiration from luxury, premium, and fashion brands while eliminating unnecessary costs for the consumer.

Comparison of Pricing Models:

  1. The Classic Luxury Model:

    • Traditional luxury brands are often synonymous with high prices, driven by high production costs, hefty profit margins, and expensive advertising campaigns. We will delve into how these brands justify their high prices by emphasizing exclusivity and craftsmanship.
  2. The Premium and Fashion Model:

    • Premium and fashion brands typically fall into an intermediate price range, aiming to offer superior quality without reaching luxury prices. We will explain how they balance quality, design, and pricing to reach a broader audience.
  3. Twenty Two's DNVB Model:

    • Twenty Two embraces the DNVB (Digital Native Vertical Brand) philosophy by cutting out middlemen, working directly with talented artisans, and offering high-quality products at accessible prices. We will detail our approach to fair pricing, highlighting our commitment to customer satisfaction.

Conclusion: At Twenty Two, we believe that elegance should not be reserved for the wealthy elite. Our pricing model is built on the strong foundations of quality, transparency, and affordability. Join us in this fashion revolution where price reflects the true value of a product, with no unnecessary costs for the consumer.


Crafted with great love, we at Twenty Two are dedicated to exceptional quality and timeless design.

Warm wishes, The Twenty Two Team
